How to convene your shareholder meetings, boards, committees and track invitees responses?

To convene and track responses from your various meetings: 

1️⃣ Create the group you will invite to a governance event.

2️⃣ Create the meeting to which you will invite this group.

3️⃣ Track the responses of your invitees and follow up with them.

4️⃣ View your groups and their meetings.


Track your invitees' responses and follow up:

Once you've convened your meeting, here's how to track responses and resend invitations !

Click on the meeting for which you want to know the responses of your guests. 
Click on the second tab "Attendees",2021-11-03 15.03.39

In this tab, you can follow the status of your invitations:

  • Proxy appointed (people who have signed a proxy)
  • Presence confirmed (people who have confirmed their presence at the meeting)
  • Waiting for answer (people who have not yet responded)
  • Invitation declined (people who have indicated that they cannot attend the meeting) 

Capture d’écran 2021-11-03 à 15.09.50

If you click on the three small dots to the right of a votant or observer, you can do two things: 

  • Resend the invitation email 📤

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  • Edit the response 

💡This can be useful when an invitee communicates their response to you live and not via Equify

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View your groups and their meetings

  • In the left menu, choose Governance, then Groups
  • By clicking on the relevant group, you will be able to find the details, members, past and upcoming meetings, as well as the documents shared with this group. 

Capture d’écran 2021-11-03 à 15.14.05