A conversion transaction allows you to convert a convertible share or bond into another security.
1️⃣ Create a new conversion operation :
2️⃣ Enter the date of the transaction, the security to be converted and the security to be obtained :
⚠️ It is necessary that the title obtained is already created in your company's securities. If this is not the case, it will have to be created beforehand.
3️⃣ Enter the holder accounts of the securities to be converted :
💡 If the conversion concerns the entirety of a single security, the conversion should be carried out for all the accounts holding the security.
Example: 3 holders of a share 1. You wish to convert all the shares 1 into shares 2. You would then select the accounts of each holder, fill in all of their 1 shares, the conversion ratio would be 1, and the quantity obtained would be equal to the quantity of 1 shares held, for a similar unit price and without a conversion price.