How do I respond to a meeting?

If you have been invited to a meeting, here is the procedure for responding.

You have received an email informing you that you have been invited to a meeting. Click on ‘Answer’ and you will be redirected to Equify : 

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1️⃣ Log on to your personal space and go to the ‘Meeting’ tab.
Then click on ‘Reply’:

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2️⃣ Choose your answer:
- Confirm your presence
- If you have been authorized by the meeting creator, you can appoint a proxy ➡️ If you have not been authorized, you cannot appoint a proxy.
- Decline the meeting ➡️ indicates that you will not be attending.

Capture d’écran 2024-06-10 à 16.31.03If you are appointing a proxy, you will need to enter the person chosen, or if a proxy is suggested, this person will be entered beforehand.

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